Wow this is a good read. Discussed this with my cabin crew friends and have deemed this as almost IMPOSSIBLE. Lol
She said that she was saving an average of $3.5k per month.. that’s like my expenses on a “good” month 🤣 omg what have I been doing ?!
But that’s the norm for a majority of the cabin crew. When you travel, you’ll definitely wanna try their local delights and will definitely shop(err and buy things you don’t need) and sightsee. What’s the point of travelling round the world when all you do is stay in your room?
She mentioned about the “obligatory” drinking sessions.. the culture has changed and tbh nobody will fault you for not going. They will probably just nag a little but you can just come up with a “decent” excuse to “siam”. Like “I can’t! I need to study for my exam”, “I’m really really very tired coz I haven’t been sleeping well for the past few days”, “im meeting my friend”. 🤣
I will normally join in if I can click with that set of crew. It’s the best time to hear gossips!! 🤣 and crew are fun people to hang with(not all haha)
I like this sentence “earning $5,000 in your twenties is glamorous, but it gradually loses its shine when you enter your 30s and 40s. Especially if you take on more financial responsibilities.” It’s so true and relatable!