Hello everyone, this is chu chu your anonymous flyer. On this episode, I am going to share with you about passenger boarding.
Wide smile ✅
Ready for boarding? Nope! Not yet!
The most important duty before boarding is to spray the cabin, do a second security check and report to our respective leaders. Security check is the most important. It is to check if there is any foreign object/baggage in the cabin or any compartment or closets that do not belong to any of us.
Most of the time, we will see the purser arguing with the ground staff regarding the boarding time. The ground staff like to push for pax boarding about 5-10 minutes after we’ve boarded(like thanks! We have so many ground duties 🤨) The ground staff love to push(AKA get rid of) the passengers at the holding room so their job is done and they can push all the potential problems to us.
If we observe any sick/intoxicated/unruly pax on ground, we will get the ground staff to come up and offload the passenger. Offloading of pax have to be supported and approved by the commander as well. Also, when the pax baggage have to be offloaded, we will “invite” the ground staff to assist for the bags to be offloaded too (it’s actually their job to stop passengers from bringing more than their baggage entitlement onboard. It’s for safety!)
We will also ask the ground staff to come onboard when there’s a double booking of seats or when they’ve seated certain categories of passengers on the emergency exit row. As long as it’s ticketing related, we will “tai chi” the problem back to them
When passengers have boarded, there are some.......
To be continued.
Please like and comment below if you wish to find out more about cabin crew life. I will try my best to answer or even create a Q&A post once i consolidate it. Have a good day and stay safe!